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Setting up Add-ons for your Food Items
Item add-on works just as other WordPress taxonomies. You can create as many add-ons (Taxonomy Terms) as you want. Under Food Store plugin we have restricted Add-ons to be created at 2 levels. One is parent Add-On and others are Child Add-ons.
- Parent Add-ons are basically shown to your customers as Labels or Titles, It hold the characteristics for its child add-ons for example while setting up parent Add-On you need to choose if your child items can be selected as multiple or Single
- Child Add-ons are basically the options your customer will have to choose. They will hold their individual price which will be added to cart when selected.
Add-Ons Admin Page
In order to access the Add-Ons page you need to login to admin and then navigate to Products > Addons.

Creating Parent Add-On
Just like creating any WooCommerce or WordPress Category or Term, create your Parent Add-on on the Create New Add-on Section. You don’t have to select any parent add-on for this.
Once the add-on is created, click to edit it.
Scroll down to find the selection option. You can choose either Single or Multiple for this option. When you select, the child items will be show using Radio buttons, that means customer can select only one option from this category. When multiple option is given, items will be shown with Checkbox, that means Customers can select as many items as they want.

Creating Child Add-ons or Add-on Options
Just like creating the Parent, you need to create child items and edit them to find the price option.

Once the add-ons price is added, they are ready to be assigned to products for use.
Assigning Add-ons to Food Items
Go on to Edit Product you want to add the add-ons to. On the right sidebar of Edit screen and just below the Publish button, you will find the Add-ons window. Just like assigning to Category, you can assign to the items that you want to assign to the product.

Tips: You don’t need to click on parent add-ons, they will be automatically brought in to display when any of the child item is selected.
With this you are done with setting up the add-ons, you can see your add-ons now when you click on the Add to Cart buttons.

Thank you. Let us know if you find any difficulties with this guide.